Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Dryer, New Me!

Oh I can't tell you how excited the little things make me. I have been without a dryer for six days!!! Wow!!! Can I just say that is torture to a mother of three and two of those being boys, and in baseball season mind you!! The little things in life that make it convenient...I think we may just take them for granted. I know I do!

My son asked me a few days ago, my almost nine year old, "mom, did they even have dryers in the olden' days? Like when you were little?" Well, if he wasn't so darn cute with his dimples and sweet smile I might have had to ground him, send him to his room, or something. Geeesh! Olden days, smolden days! Nothing like the comment of a sweet child to make you feel real good!! And I am not even that old, at least I like to tell myself that anyway!

I have been over the last several days washing and hanging dry all of our clothes. Oh what joy it is to hang all your laundry, including your undergarments for all to see. I am sure this morning when the delivery guys brought in the dryer there minds were somewhat disgusted by the clothes hanging everywhere, I mean everywhere, and the dust piled a mile high behind my old dryer! How did all that get there anyway??

God whispered a few things as I watched my fourteen year old dryer being wheeled away. Sometimes we must get rid of the old to make room for the new. Sometimes it may be broken or in need of major repair but sometimes God is ready for you to write a new chapter. He is ready for you to completely trust Him. We may have to do some clean up, just as I have diligently swept, vacuumed, and mopped my laundry room floor. In our lives we may need to do the same. Throwing out the dryer that is serving no purpose but to take up space. We may need to ask the Lord is this a good thing or a GOD THING in my life?

Now as I sit typing away on my iPad (instead of my computer this morning) oh how thankful I am. You see I had started a load of laundry so excited and ready to use my dryer and what do you know the electricity goes out....go figure!! Satan always tries to throw a kink in our chain. My point being, if we aren't careful we may just miss the message. If we get caught up in the negatives, of what we don't have and want, then we may not see the new that is coming right in front of us. I almost got side tracked with the laundry everywhere and the dust piled high and the mess I had to clean up and the saying good bye to a dryer that had been in my life for over a decade ( I am sentimental, LOL) and then no electricity....goodness! When does it end!?!? The crazy may never end.....BUT, God is working and we must keep our eyes open to see Him moving!

I pray today as the Lord is making way for new things in your life that you won't get hung up on the old, or the obstacles that may come your way! He loves you so very much!! He just wants to make the most of you!! Be encouraged that He is not finished with you yet!!

Phil 1:6 "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Thank you Lord for still working on me!!


  1. Im your FIRST comment AGAIN! man, you must think im stalking!! Haha! This is such good stuff! You are really putting a "spin" on it! Lord, speak to my dear friend on every occasion! Keep her on the "warm cycle"! Love ya, girl! So, does the light in the dryer go off when you shut the door....Hmmmmm!

  2. I love you Sheri Kay!! Always keeping it real!! I am awaiting the day for your blog as well because I intend to be a stalker! And no warm cycle...we want to be HOT for Jesus around here!! Lukewarm won't cut it! And the light.....well I will let you climb in and we can test that out!! Lol!!
