Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesdays Truth....on Wednesday

I love to learn new things about the Lord! I wouldn't say I like to learn them the hard way as when in the midst of a sticky situation but I do love reading His Word and having those "Ah-ha" moments!

Have you ever thought about "planning" to stay faithful? When I think of the word PLAN I think there must be a sequence of steps or an outline. And to be honest I had never thought that I should have a sequence of steps in order to stay faithful. In my mind it has always just been a decision; to be faithful or not to be faithful-to do it or not to do it. So reading this morning (Acts 11) I was amazed that Barnabas, not only was an encouragement to the people of Antioch, but he desired for them to plan their action of faith in advance. Wow! Pre-destine! Foreordain, predetermine, to destine in advance that in hard times you will remain faithful!! That to me was amazing!

So what does that look like? How do we remain faithful when tempted or when trials come our way? I can say I have this opportunity quiet often. I believe this is where our outline comes in; our list of steps that will steer us back to Him. I challenge you to make this personal. Get your pen and paper out and jot down the steps that will help you to remain faithful in advance. It's something about a plan on paper that draws us to action. For me it will be calling on Him first and picking up His Word instead of calling a friend. I tend to like to run and whine to my accountability partners, while it is great having them, instead of running to my Savior first. Praying and reading His Word should be at the top of your list, but there may be a few more things you need to add to complete your plan of faithfulness. Maybe you have a particular verse that God has given you or a particular person to pray with, or maybe even a list of questions to ask yourself. Make your plan personal and create your action steps to faithfulness. This plan is worth your time so that when you find yourself in a mess you can look at your outline and know which way to go and what to do next.

Planning to stay faithful can greatly enhance victory in your life. And we all desire to be victorious. Let's ensure that our struggles will not lead us to doubt or despair but to daring deeds for the Lord!! Praying today for you to plan to be faithful in advance!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Not In Vain

Can I just tell you in all my years of celebrating Easter this one has been the most moving!! I guess it started on Friday really taking in the fact that on that one particular Friday many years ago my Savior died a very gruesome death!  One that I could possibly NOT fathom! Pondering over His death for even me for two days made me very uneasy!  But I quickly wanted to look on the bright side and I knew Sunday was coming!  I woke Sunday morning and the first thing to pop into my mind was, He's ALIVE!  He's ALIVE and I am forgiven!! Heavens gates are open wide!! Praise the Lord He is ALIVE!! Wow!!  I hope yesterday was a day of great joy for you as if was for me!!  My kids thought I was a little crazy with excitement on the way to church....A little Hallelujah, Amen!  Lol!!

I took the kids to see "Soul Surfer" on Friday night.  They had been wanting to see it since it came out.  It was an incredible movie.  Many life lessons and a movie that was credited to Christ! I am very thankful that there are some people out there that want to make movies that reflect on Him.  Of course, I cried a few times in the movie, and was overwhelmed with this girl's determination and humble attitude.  If you haven't seen the movie I don't want to give too much away but there was a shark attack and the surfer girl lost her arm.  As we were leaving the theater, my sweet son looks at me and says, "and that's why, I will NEVER be a surfer!"  I laughed when he first said it and immediately told my friend that was with me but I feared my child might have missed the point.

We sometimes can't help our circumstances and we may never know why we have to endure certain hardships but that isn't for us to dwell on.  God gives each of us our own story.  We can write that story so that it will resonate the magnificent King that lives in our hearts or we can trash His very existence by laying down in the pit of our misery!  This young lady in the movie chose with one arm to not be defeated but to shine.  We must do the same thing.

As a parent, in the last few weeks I have had countless experiences where I have wanted to just lay down and quit.  Whether it has been from sheer exhaustion from dealing with disobedient kids or the apathy and attitudes from my kids.  Maybe you can relate if you have school age kids.  Maybe for you it has been the stress of not having a job or not knowing if you will have one in the near future.  Maybe it is that you are in a seemingly hopeless marriage that no matter which way you turn there is turmoil.  Maybe your experience is just defeat being all around you or the lurking consequences from past mistakes.  I don't know what your story is but we all deal with wanting to give in and give up on life and situations at hand.  I came to a realization before watching the movie that I refused to give up on the basis that I did NOT want to teach my children that when life is hard we should throw in the towel.  I wanted to teach them to fight with His Word and to never give up or give in.  I have showered them with scripture over the last several weeks from putting it in their lunch boxes, writing it in cards, or laminating it to hang in their rooms.  I don't want them to lose sight of Him in the midst of hard times.  I hope that is a mind set that you have always had but if not it is never too late to change.  I don't know if my desire to not give up for my kid’s sake was exactly the most Biblical but I do believe that the Lord knows my heart is to never lead any astray including my children!  And I have been clinging to the fact that my labor for Him is NOT in vain!

1 Corinthians 15:58 "therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

We are all in this together.  Yes some of us will have more visible battles.  We may have to fight one armed but we all have a battle to fight.  I guess you could say my son was being smart in his comment of never wanting to be a surfer, Ha!!  In his little mind he is avoiding danger! Lol!  Sometimes it may not be so simple; God may allow danger in your life or may even call you into it.  It's up to us to decide if we will lay down in our pity or if we will stand on His Word!  God didn't promise a life of ease but He does promise eternal life in Him if we have accepted Him as our Savior.  That's where the resurrection comes in.  We can be overflowing with joy because He has CONQUERED the greatest pit there is.....death!!  In Him we have victory!!  Victory is ours for the taking!!! Our momentary struggles pale in comparison to His resurrection power! Oh how exciting that is to me!!! Hallelujah, praise the King!! He is risen!! He is risen indeed!!

Praying today that you focus on the battle Won, that you rise out of misery and into His power, and you surround yourself with His Word of Truth!  A life for Him is NEVER in vain!!  Never give up or give in!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesdays Truth

Praising God for second chances in my life because Lord knows I need them! (more like a bazillion chances if there is such a thing). There are countless examples in the Bible when God spoke one more time, He called one more time, He forgave one more time!! We can't outrun his grace or over step the boundaries of His mercy.  It is always available!!  Our part is simple....child like faith.  There isn't any complex formula or hidious ritual that we must go through; just coming humbly before Him, confessing our sin and turning from it, and then letting Him lead us.   Lots of prayer, praise, and reading of His Word will keep us in that right relationship.  Service and doing good deeds comes as an after effect and is a result of our full devotion and love for our Savior.  He doesn't need our good deeds...He just wants our WHOLE heart!

Praying today you will accept His second chance and give Him your whole heart!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You're Beautiful!

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful

I'm praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful

[ From: ]

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skys above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to die

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
In His eyes

You're beautiful
You were meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His

Listened to the radio on my way to work and heard this song today and my heart was overwhelmed. I've heard the song a hundred times but today I am guessing I really needed the words. God is so good and always on time!! So many times we go about our day and feel major insecurities from the sin we have in our lives and the lies that Satan has filled our minds with. The Truths we once clung to or maybe have never clung to no longer hold value. Our mind has been so clouded by all the negatives that we can't see which way is up. And why is that? What part of us makes us no longer trust the Lord? Why is it that we can't see that ALL things the Lord created are beautiful??? Even us!! And that forgiveness is always ours for the taking! Our slate can be wiped clean upon our confession and turning from our sin. Regardless, we are beautiful to HIM! He created our inmost being! He knit us together in our mother's womb! Before we were formed He set us apart! He numbered the hairs on our heads! He has a perfect plan for us! He loves us so much He gave His son to die in our place!!! Why would he not love and have pride for what He has made and sacrificed for?!?! But a lot of the times we would rather choose to believe we are worthless! Of no value! Pitiful in His sight! Oh God help us!!

People it's a choice! God not only blessed us all with His beauty by creating us, he also gave us free will! Choose this day whom you will serve! We get to choose to believe the lies of satan that will only bring harm to us or choose to believe the perfect Father that created us in His image, gives us mercy a fresh and anew each moment of the day, and loves us beyond all measure! Which makes more sense to you??

Praying today you will bask in the beauty that the Lord has bestowed upon you! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesdays Truth

This morning God spoke to me as I was studying the lives of Peter and Paul. Both were called to go where they hadn't planned to go. Both were hill bent on a different direction than the Lord's. God spoke to their hearts and both were able to use their zealousness for the Almighty! PTL! But when we are completely focused on our own agenda seeing God's agenda is somewhat difficult. Having our minds pried open is rarely easy,and vision is rarely given to those who refuse to see. Where are you today? Are your plans His plans or are you making your own plans expecting Him to bless them? Are you so closed minded that you are missing out on the vision He has for you? Be encouraged He does have a vision just for you! Open your heart, mind, and eyes to SEE where He is leading!!! :) Praying today you are filled with visions from Him!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Be Changed!

I have been doing a study over Jonah for a while now.  And God has been speaking to me about the changes that need to be made in my life.  I don't like change!!! I don't want to change!! I like things just like they are!! Have you been there??? Can I get an AMEN??  The only change I like is the jingle jangle in your pockets or on top of your dresser or the bottom of your purse!! Or the change of weathering seasons because I am usually tired of the one I am in!!  This changing habits or lifestyles or spiritual levels of growth.....uggghhh!!!  Its for the birds!!  Enough already God, it's hard!!

Jonah heard from God and he took off in the opposite direction.  He knew that his mission was to go to Ninevah but he didn't want to battle opposition.  When I first went through a few of the weeks of my study, my initial response was "oh I don't do that, I listen and obey God." (patting myself on the back....woe is me!)  Well did you know that delayed obedience is disobedience?!?!  I will say it again...delayed obedience is disobedience!!  The more I have read about Jonah I have understood myself to be so very much like him.  Pretty scary thought when you think of the drastic measures God allowed to get Jonah's attention.  He traveled endlessly to escape his calling, he endured a huge storm, he was thrown off a ship, eaten by a whale, lived inside of a whale for three days (can u imagine how nasty that would be, the stintch?? Eww!), and then was spit up on the shore.  And after all that, now he decides to obey and I am sure the smell of sour fish remained his aroma while walking the streets of Ninevah proclaiming Gods message to them.  A little humble pie is all I can say to that!  How long do we wait until we say yes to The Lord?  Do we wait until consequences from our delay have already arrived?  And is the aroma of our hearts pleasing to God or any others at that point?

Evaluating my own life God has revealed a few Ninevites that I have been extremely leery of sharing Christ with.  Just like Jonah my thoughts have been, why should I share with people who are so mean?  Why should I be the one to spread your news to them Lord?  They will only reject me Lord, why me?  Ask someone else, because I don't want to do it!  Again, like Jonah I have gone the other way, running from the change that needs to happen in my life and in my heart!!

I have been sitting on this word from the Lord inch by inch giving way to His will.   Noticing that inch by inch isn't IMMEDIATE obedience!  It definitely became even more evident a few days ago when I saw my daughter struggling with just the same issues.  Not standing for the Lord immediately when He calls and instead running the opposite direction.  My heart broke as I realized the example I have set for her is now becoming her sinful response to the Lord! Oh God forgive me!!

I believe we fail to realize accepting God's call for change in our lives is not something that affects only us.  Like Jonah, his decisions affected ALL those around him.  To the point that those around him wanted him gone.  The poor men in the boat had to endure a terrifying storm all because Jonah was not ready to change his heart.  These men didn't even know God but they knew Jonah had been disobedient to his God and that scared the heeby geebies out of them.  So overboard he went.  The whale I am sure had an upset stomach with a man "LIVING"  inside him that wouldn't die and be digested!  The sleeplessness, the tossing and turning that whale must have done to settle the pain of a parasite not cooperating.  Last but not least, the lost people of Ninevah were wandering blindly with out the Lord because Jonah did not want to love them as Christ loved them, despite their evil doings.  My decisions to not act immediately have also affected those around me.  My daughter has obviously been watching and following in my footsteps.  Whoa!!  We need to take heart to what God is calling us to do, lest we cause another to stumble!!  (1Cor. 10:32 "Do not cause anyone to stumble")

Change is hard!!  But obedience is better!!  What is it that God is calling you to change in your life today?  Is it that He is calling you to love the unlovables around you?  Is he asking you to trust Him instead of yourself?  Is he asking you to change occupations?  Is he calling you over seas to missions?  Is he calling you to lead a small group Bible study or be a Sunday School teacher?  Is He calling you next door to share Him with that neighbor that really gets on your nerves??  Is He calling you to walk with Him daily?  What is He asking you to do today?  Let me say, if you don't hear Him asking you to change something or do something BE CONCERNED!  If you are still breathing you have a calling and a purpose and should be changing.  Being stagnate is trouble in the making!  And the odor will come!!  God loves us just the way we are but doesn't want us to stay that way!!  He wants our aroma to be sweet to all those we come in contact with.

Encouraging you today to find the changes that need to be made and make them!!  Go where He is calling!!  If He calls, He will equip!!  BE CHANGED!! (and not into the jingle jangle kind!  Lol!!)  Change is good; are you ready for it?  

Encouraging you,
Kim Bobo

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things that make u go hummmmm.......

Word from the book Radical....."We are, by nature, recievers.  Even if we have a desire to learn God's Word, we still listen from a default self-centered mind-set that is always asking, What can I get out of this?  But as we have seen, this is unbiblical Christianity.  What if we changed the question whenever we gathered to learn God's Word?  What if we began to think, How can I listen to his Word so that I am equipped to teach his Word to others?"
Praying today that we would not be selfish, but that we will study and pray as to be ready for the opportunity to share with others His love and mercy!