Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesdays Truth

Praising God for second chances in my life because Lord knows I need them! (more like a bazillion chances if there is such a thing). There are countless examples in the Bible when God spoke one more time, He called one more time, He forgave one more time!! We can't outrun his grace or over step the boundaries of His mercy.  It is always available!!  Our part is simple....child like faith.  There isn't any complex formula or hidious ritual that we must go through; just coming humbly before Him, confessing our sin and turning from it, and then letting Him lead us.   Lots of prayer, praise, and reading of His Word will keep us in that right relationship.  Service and doing good deeds comes as an after effect and is a result of our full devotion and love for our Savior.  He doesn't need our good deeds...He just wants our WHOLE heart!

Praying today you will accept His second chance and give Him your whole heart!

1 comment:

  1. We need Him as our Father to show up on our account! And He is Faithful...even thru the stop lights! Staying Faithful! Thank You Lord for second chances...and third...and fourth.....
