Monday, May 5, 2014

He is with us

This morning my heart hurts. But this morning my heart also rejoices.  My heart is heavy yet it is full of joy.  How can so many emotions fill me and I still have peace.  My friend, it is just JESUS!  This journey of being a foster to adopt family has taken us on some pretty scary and treacherous paths but also very rewarding.  As we have continued to say YES to the Lord in where He leads being a parent and following His lead only gets more difficult.  God never promised easy so I claim His promise that He is always with me. (Psalm 73:23 "Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.") And when satan strikes yet again, with his loud noise and distractions, I know my God is bigger than all fiery arrows that deceiver throws my way. 

This morning as we had our God time, I asked the kids what they were thankful for?  Our Princess May May immediately said, "for brothers and a sister".   She then said, "mom, do some people have a broken heart because my heart is broken?"  I said yes and assured her that God loves her and can heal broken hearts.  People, people, if that doesn't break your heart then, I am not sure you have one.  A four year old claiming her thankfulness for a new family yet saying her heart is still broken because of the loss of one.  She knows the pain that many of us have no clue of and yet we go on with life without thinking twice about the hurt some people encounter.  I can't share all the details of her story but place yourself in any foster child's situation and I believe you may just have a new understanding of family and love and thankfulness, a new understanding of HIS love for you.  You might just find Jesus there in the midst of the least of these, and your perspective may just change.

I'm praying today you are encouraged that even in brokenness God is real and we can trust Him.  The song "He Is With Us" comes to mind. Here are the lyrics....

Remember when your hope is lost and faith is shaken
Remember when you wonder if you're gonna make it
There's a hand stretched out through your deepest doubt
We can't pretend to see the ending or what's coming up ahead
To know the story of tomorrow
But we can stay close to the One who knows

We can trust our God
He knows what He's doing
Though it might hurt now
We won't be ruined
It might seem there's an ocean in between
But He's holding on to you and me
And He's never gonna leave, no
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us

We believe there is purpose, there is meaning in everything
We surrender to His leading
He wants nothing more than to have us close

We can trust our God
He knows what He's doing
Though it might hurt now
We won't be ruined
It might seem there's an ocean in between
But He's holding on to you and me
And He's never gonna leave, no
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us

Our faith is sealed
Our hope is real
Come what may
We're not afraid
Our faith is sealed
Our hope is real
Come what may
We're not afraid
We're not afraid

We can trust our God
Always, always
We can trust our God
Always, always

We can trust our God
He knows what He's doing
Though it might hurt now
We won't be ruined
It might seem there's an ocean in between
But He's holding on to you and me
And He's never gonna leave, no
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us
Our God is with us

AMEN!!! And AMEN!!!!

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