Monday, May 12, 2014


The last few months have been, well just let me explain! You name it and it has probably happened.  One of our hot water heaters sprung a leak resulting in our ceiling caving in, our garage door opener decided to break and needed a spring repair, one of our air units decided to stop cooling because of a leak, our disposal broke and had to be replaced, our aerobic system had to be pumped out and a new aerator installed, and the very same day our microwave started to make a horrible noise when running. And lets not forget our kids have struggled with rebellious attitudes and actions, grades, fights, cysts, and scoliosis anyone besides me weary? Oh and let me add we are fostering a child that has more needs than I can count, learning to be had, behaviors to be corrected, and lots of love to be given.
Why Lord?  Why would all of this pile on at once?  Why is it that when you decide to take a leap of faith for Him and step out onto the waters of following after Him that all hell breaks loose?  I will tell you why.....Satan just cant stand for you to further His Kingdom.  He just cant stand that you have decided to follow Jesus.  He wants to do everything possible to make life a living hell so that maybe, just maybe, you will decide the cost of living for the Lord is too great.  I REFUSE!
I'm reminded of those forty days that Jesus fasted and prayed and spent time with the Lord.  Satan waited until those forty days were coming to an end when Jesus was physically exhausted and food deprived; he was at Him like nobodies business. He did all he could to tempt Jesus to save Himself, to show His power and to walk away from the calling God had for Him.  BUT Christ REFUSED! He didn't need anything Satan had to offer.  He was tired, hungry, and weary yet He still wanted to follow where the Lord was leading Him.....To The Cross!!  He knew the blessing that would incur following His Father's will, our eternal life.  What a sweet picture of His precious love!  What a wonderful reminder that even Jesus endured the horrible days that satan hurled His way!  And what encouragement to know that we too can endure and still find hope in following after our Lord and Savior!
Little by little the Lord has provided and little by little I have seen Him more; each day with Him truly does grow sweeter!  I encourage you that when life is just too much to handle and you feel you just cant keep moving in the direction the Lord has called you that you remember He too has walked in those shoes.  He too knows your pain, your hurt, your struggles; and He too did not give up on the calling God had for Him.  He went to the Cross to bear it all just for you!!!  You will make it!!  Don't lose heart!  Keep stepping towards Him! REFUSE to let satan win!  There is victory in HIM!!
"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 
1 Corinthians 15:58


  1. I would like to help with the duffle bag project! Just let me know what I can do!

    1. Thanks so much Dean! We are working on getting a FB page up with all the details. Hopefully it will be this week.
