Friday, February 8, 2019

For Such A Time As This...It Is Possible

I’m not sure if y’all ever have those days where God repeats Himself. Most of the time it is my lack of faith, to tell my fault, and for some reason it isn't sinking in so God repeats Himself ever so patiently. Today was one of those days. From different studies and different sources that I read today, these three verses were apart of them and they ALL said the same thing...🤦🏻‍♀️

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.””
Mark 10:27 NIV
““I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
Jeremiah 32:27 NIV
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.””
Matthew 19:26 NIV


So I asked God what in the world it is that I’m not believing to be possible??  I wanted to claim them possible through Him. Sooo, I made a list in my journal after writing each verse. The list kept going. 😔 And going. I didn’t realize I had so many things I thought were impossible. My impossibles were things I guess I thought God must not care too much about because I had not seen much change in any of the situations. 

I looked to the previous page in my journal and I realized the last time I journaled, my thoughts had been wrapped in my own personal "blah" that I was missing assignments God had for me, Esther 4:14 “for such a time as this”. (Which is another verse God keeps repeating to me 🤦🏻‍♀️ why can’t I get it already?) And today, reading an Ann Voskamp quote, “You are where you are FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS - to not make an impression but to make a difference.” 

Ouch!!! How can I make a difference if I don’t believe God can do the impossible? How can I make a difference if I’m too worried with how others perceive me instead of seeing the opportunities before me? How can I make a difference if I only believe God works for others and doesn't for me? What's the real Truth, Kim? The rest is fake news!

It IS NOT my job to make things happen.  It IS NOT my job to worry why.  It IS my job to make a difference.  It IS my job to use the opportunities before me to make a difference.  It IS my job to believe my Maker when He says it is possible.  It IS my job to have faith.

Lord, thank you for new perspective. Thank you for shifting my mind and heart from the impossibilities to the possibilities you have before me. Bind fear and doubt and let faith in You, Your possibilities, and Your opportunities be all that I see. 

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