Thursday, February 14, 2019

Patience is Tough!

February 28, 2011

At Sports Clips again and I guess there is something in the air here that makes
my mind flow because this is the third time I have written Encouragement here!! 

This week was a little tough with one of my of the boys anyways. 
If you know my family I am sure you can guess which one, if not I will leave you
to wonder.  He came home from school in one of those moods if you know what I
mean.  He was happy if he was getting to do what he wanted but as soon as that
changed boy did his attitude change. 

PATIENCE....can anyone say this word?? 

My kids have a schedule of tasks they are responsible for when they come home. 
I made charts a few years ago to help with my sanity and theirs.  This way there
is nothing to be misunderstood about the daily routine of things.  This day
obviously he forgot the routine and forgot the verse we have memorized and
talked about over and over!  Philippians 2:5-have the attitude of Christ Jesus. 
For some reason his wants far exceeded all other tasks, commitments,
relationships, and truths he knew.  I, on the other hand, was ready to pull out
my hair and maybe a few of his as well (who needs Sports Clips, right?). 
Although, you would think after getting a spanking, writing sentences about his
attitude (I will choose to have a good attitude no matter what), and sitting in his
room, he would have gotten the picture.  As if you couldn't tell he is my strong
willed, hard headed child that must test every limit including my patience.  He
did not want to cooperate, and he had gotten on my very last nerve!!  I, did not
cooperate well after being pushed, I broke.  I was angry and raised my voice more
than just one octave, NOT a good example!  As I call out to the Lord, I don't think I
can handle much more of this, patience and slow to speak was the thought that
entered my mind. Patience, patience, patience!!! Uggghhh!!  Lord, you must be
joking me?  How can I have patience and be slow to speak after he continues to be
disobedient and at this point disrespectful?

Proverbs 15:4 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up

Why is it when we are pushed to our limit having patience and keeping our mouths
shut is the hardest thing in the world to do.  My son was not acting with
patience and he surely was not holding his tongue; he did not want to take care
of matters so that later he could do the fun stuff.  He wanted his cake and
wanted to eat it too!! 

I guess I was right there with him because I wanted him to mind and wanted him
to do it immediately. I didn't want to wait, I didn't want to hear about his
day, or what he had to say about what I told him to do, or what he wanted; I
wanted obedience right at that moment.  Although I do believe immediate
obedience is Biblical, my patience was not there with him at all.  I let his
impatience become my own.  And don't we all do that at times?  When we are
around sin if we aren't careful it can rub off quickly and become our own. 

The saying "if mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy," is definitely a true
statement.  We can make or break the atmosphere of our household with our
attitudes and actions. But not just in our homes this could happen anywhere, in
our work place, in our car on the way, even hanging out with our friends. And
the sins of others can wear off quickly if we aren't careful.  Being involved
with the gossip, jokes, bad attitudes, negative comments can quickly be in our
vocabulary and actions if we are not equipped by Him. 

So next time you are pushed to your limit, think before you act.  Do your
actions and speech line up with His Word?  Does your attitude reflect that of
Christ?  Do your words build up or tear down those around you? Are you letting
someone elses sin become your own?

This will definitely require practice!  So that means we will have to be pushed
to our limit to learn patience and the attitude of Christ.  Be encouraged that
you are not the only one that messes up.  You can see by my example how to fail. 
You are not the only one that wants to ring your childs neck, or say things that
are not becoming of Christ.  And maybe it isn't your child you are having to
deal with....maybe it's customers, patients, co-workers, husband, boss, church
members, family members, friends, or even your dog.  None of us are perfect but
His grace is sufficient and learning from our mistakes and turning from them
will be what matters. We can choose to breath the life of Christ into those we
come in contact with or breath death.  Calling upon Him is crucial when our
boundaries have been pushed.  No other name has the power to overcome!

Encouraging you today when the going gets tough.....the tough needs to get
going.  You are God Tough as His child, never under estimate His power!!   

Encouraging you,
Kim Bobo

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