Thursday, February 14, 2019

Life's Storm Have a Purpose

November 2, 2010

A week or so ago we had a thunderstorm roll through about 1AM. My husband and I both woke and couldn't go back to sleep. The thunder shook our house and the lightening crackled. Our box fan was no match for this noise maker. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep at all...REM was out of the question! Since my husband was wide awake he was at his office by 3AM. When my alarm went off I was somewhat of a grouch..ok a BIG GROUCH because I had not gotten what I thought I deserved....SLEEP!!!

Yesterday, I was on FB and reading peoples post and came across this one..."If through a broken heart God can bring His purpose to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart." Oswald Chambers

I read that and read it again and again and again. I even copy and pasted it and sent it to a friend. I just couldn't stop thinking about being broken to the point where it hurts ever fiber of our being. I thought of the simple (but LOUD and OBNOXIOUIS) storm that had interrupted my sleep and deprived me of what I wanted and thought I needed. I thought of past times in my life that I have been so down that I couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. I thought of the brokenness I have felt when I have lost a loved one, the depression I have felt when I couldn't do anything about my circumstances. I thought of the deep pits I have been in when there was NO ladder to get out. I thought of the anxiety that has robbed me of life when things around me were overwhelming. Oh, the brokenness!

And then I thought of HIS purpose!! HE ALWAYS HAS A PURPOSE!! I am sure when Jonah was in the belly of the whale he was probably NOT thinking of God's purpose. He was thinking, "Why the heck am I in the belly of a whale? And why are you doing this God?" We don't think of purpose in the middle of our storms. We think of our circumstances. But we KNOW in the midst of our trials HE is working! His Word has given us example after example! PTL!!

Although I was pretty ticked off about the storm keeping me from what I wanted most, there was a purpose. When my life has seemed to be turned upside down and my heart has been shattered there has ALWAYS been a purpose. It is during those times we should look for HIS purpose and be THANKFUL! I know that is a mouth full. It hurts to even say the word, thankful, in the middle of a crisis much less act on the word. But when we can learn this simple truth, His blessings will follow and His promises will be revealed.

Samuel Chadwick said, "It is amazing what God can do with a broken heart, if you give Him all the pieces."

We must have FAITH in our maker! HE is more powerful than our storm! HE is faithful!

Ephesians 1:19-20 "God's power is very great for those who believe, that power is the same as the great strength God used to raise Christ from the dead."

When our eyes see the prowling lion, faith sees Daniels angel. When our eyes see storms, faith sees Noah's rainbow. When our eyes see giants, faith sees Canaan. When our eyes see our faults, faith sees our Savior. When our eyes see our guilt, faith sees His blood. When our eyes see our grave, faith sees a city whose builder and maker is God!! ~Max Lucado

To all my friends and family that are struggling with life’s storms, hang on to the promise of His purpose and have faith!! I love you all!

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