Friday, September 14, 2012

The Road Less Traveled....sacrifice and love

This morning in the shower my heart was troubled over the many people in this world that we over look.  I am speaking of those children with out any homes or families to call their forever parents and siblings.  I'm speaking of those orphans that do not have the love and support of people around them to encourage them and steer them to a Godly life or to tell them of how Christ paid their ultimate price of death so that they too could live eternally.  I'm speaking of all those around us day in and day out that need to be noticed, that are hurting inside yet they fake a smile everyday.  I'm speaking of those that just need someone to flash them a smile or give them that encouraging word that they are going to make it.  My heart breaks over and over as I realize just how much we over look each and every day.  Oh that God would break our hearts to action!

As I was washing my hair my mind began to envision a lone dark road that was very much less traveled.  Two cars have collided together and children are laying on the road side near death.  You know that it could be an hour or more before another car passes by.  What do you do?  Obviously, there is NO pull over as fast as you possibly can, you call 911, and you begin to help any one that you can.  You don't think about it, you don't wonder
if you are qualified, or think you have nothing to offer...YOU HELP!  By what ever means you have you offer yourself and your time as a sacrifice to these people. 

The Lord was reminding me that this must be my attitude when I see hurting and lonely people, children without families, teens without guidance, and adults that are searching.  I can't wonder if someone else will come along, if I am suitable, or if they really need me; I have to help.  I must dial the 911 to heaven, calling unto the Lord on their behalf, I must meet them where they are, even if it's in sin, and I must tell them to seek the great Healer and Physician, encouraging them that the Lord is faithful and hears their cries.  I must be the mother or the friend that they do not have because just as those two cars were on the road less traveled many of those around us are on that same road feeling defeated and alone.

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

There are so many that need the Lord, that need a family, that need healing, that need a friend, that need salvation, that need a hug or a word of encouragement.  So many do not have this.  And what do we do, we pass them by without even taking notice.  We move on with our busy lives waving at those children near death on the side of the road and oh yes we hate it for them but we DO nothing.  We think someone else will come along, someone more qualified, someone that has more knowledge, more time, and more money.  Oh this is where I am breaking as the Lord reveals more and more to me of how selfish I have been.

As I drove my kids to school this morning we opened up our Jesus Calling for kids and began to read.  What a timely word from the Lord.  He always seems to confirm what He puts in my heart over and over through His word.  How grateful I am that He speaks to me.
Romans 12:1 "Since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him.  Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him.  This is the spiritual way for you to worship."
Sacrifice!!  What??  Who does that?  Who sacrifices the better and bigger side of the sandwich?  Who sacrifices the front seat of the car?  Who sacrifices the bigger cup of chocolate milk, or the favorite spot on the couch and the remote?  Who sacrifices a game that a friend/sibling wants to play first instead of what we want?  Those are obviously things my kids struggle with but let's talk on adult level.  Who sacrifices buying Starbucks everyday to be able to sponsor a child through Compassion International?  Who sacrifices their time with CASA to be able to advocate for a child that has been taken from their biological family?  Who sees the man on the side of the road and buys them dinner without judging if they are legit or not?  Who sees the coworker going through a tough time and prays with them each day?  Who sees the hurting wife and mother that thinks she just can't take one more minute?   Who compliments that one person everyone else gripes about getting on their nerves?  These are the least of these!  These are the ones we must sacrifice for! 

Is it a sacrifice? Of course it is!  Is it hard!  You bet it is!  Does it require us to think less of what we want and need and more of others! You are darn right it does!  Have I mastered this???  Heck NO!  But I know that because the Lord is making me aware.....I AM RESPONSIBLE!!!!  We all are!! 

The Bible tells us over and over what is expected.  And the greatest command is LOVE.  Love requires you to act! It's a verb! It's action! It's something we do, not just something we say!  What are we DOING today to love those around us?  To LOVE THEM MORE than ourselves!!  Be encouraged, that the One who created you, loves you and has sacrificed for you, even to the point of death!  What a blessing to be loved so much!!  May we loves other as He loves us!!