Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Football Games, Veterans, Basic Training, 
And A Kid Who Sees

A few Fridays ago we sat in the rain at a football game. There was a gentlemen sitting in the row in front of us.  Maylee noticed right away he was wearing a veterans hat.  She mentioned it to me and  said, "look mom, he is wearing a veterans hat." I smiled and nodded my head and we continued to watch the game.  Later, she tried to get his attention.  "Excuse me sir." I quickly looked at her and shook my head no, as Marc was having a conversation with someone else and she is notorious for interrupting.  She looked at me with a puzzled face. A few minutes later she leaned close and said "mom, I just wanted to ask him where he served our country." I sank a little in my seat. Sadly it had not even crossed my mind. I was too worried about watching the game that I messed up that moment.  All I could see was a little girl that had to get a word in causing me to miss out on the play her brother made a tackle on.  How special and appreciated that veteran might have felt for a child to take notice of his service.

Maylee has asked me several times over the last week or so if I knew a veteran because she wanted to write them a letter to tell them "thank you".  I suggested to her that we write my cousin's son who had recently left for basic training for the army.  She thought that was a splendid idea and couldn't wait to get started.

She knew what she wanted to say but wanted me to tell her a verse that talked about the army. Ha! In BSF right now we are reading through the book of Joshua and I couldn't help but think of chapter 1 verse 9 as the Lord was preparing Joshua for battle and to take the land that was promised. She thought it was the perfect verse to encourage Kolten in his journey through basic training for the army.

I'm always amazed at her thoughtfulness.  Conviction may be a better word for me.  She is always thinking of ways she can be kind to someone else. I so miss the mark on that countless times. She sees people so differently than most of the world does.  So when I say I want to be like her, I truly do. I want to see ways to encourage others or make them feel special.  I want to show others I care not just by words but by actions.  I want to see people and their needs like she does.  Maylee is always proving her love for people in the things she does for them.  What an example she has been for me.

Oh Lord, that a young girl could teach me so much about the eyes of Jesus, I am so thankful.  Lord, thank you for showing me to love and encourage through a precious soul you have blessed us with.  We are so rich!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Taken In

“When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.”
Acts 9:26-27 NIV

“But Barnabas took him.” I just could not get past those four words. Barnabas took a risk in trusting, believing, and helping Saul. I mean I’m sure the last thing he had heard about Saul was that he was killing Christians, and now he is preaching the gospel?!? In my fleshly thoughts I’m saying, How? Why? What in the world?? Are you crazy? Do you want to get yourself killed Barnabas? God didn’t give you a brain for nothing! Then my heart hurts for that one everyone has run from and pushed away because of their past. He is a person too. One that desires just like everyone else to be accepted and loved, regardless of their sin. And Barnabas does that. He didn’t think twice. He encouraged the disciples to also love and trust. He encouraged Saul to keep on keeping on and he encouraged the church to do the same. Am I a Barnabas in others lives? Or do I turn away from encouraging others because of their past? Do I “take” them in as Barnabas did and help them on their way? 

In this move of towns and schools I have witnessed many Barnabas’ in my life. Not that I was Saul and slaughtering Christians and came to a conversion but I will say we are in a foreign land, foreign territory just as Saul was, a new unexpected journey. I have experienced the “taking” in and the encouragement of several to keep on keeping on. Can you imagine what Saul felt having someone take him in and help him along the way? 

Oh Lord, that I may be a Barnabas to all I come in contact with. Let me not look at past hurts, reputations, or brand them as outsiders but help me to only see the life you created that should be taken in and loved along their way.