Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My List or His Eyes

Kids are all back in school.  I messaged my BFF this morning and told her I didn't quiet know what to do with myself.  With the exception of Marc being home....my house is quiet. Oh I have plenty to do; actually a list a mile long but getting motivated to do all those things is another story.  So I decided spending a little more time with the Lord might get my muscles and bones moving because I know it will refuel my spirit.

"I asked the God of the universe to intersect my life with His revelation, then got up from my prayers and forgot to look. Forgot to seek Him.  Forgot to keep my heart in tune with His voice and His invitation. 
All because of the chaotic rush of my day.
When all of life feels like an urgent rush form one demand to another, we become forgetful.  We forget simple things like where we put our keys or that one crucial ingredient for dinner when we run into the grocery store.  But even more disturbing, we forget God.  We say with our mouths that we are trusting and relying on God, but are we really?
A quick check to see if this is true is our ability to notice what God wants us to notice and our willingness to participate when God invites us to participate.
...caught in the rush of endless demands...  And the rush makes us rebellious. 
If we are to be the Best Yes girls, we have to long for unbroken companionship with God.... The one who obeys God's instruction for today will develop a keen awareness of His direction for tomorrow.  I'm always asking God for direction, but I'll miss it if I constantly ignore His instruction." ~ The Best Yes by Lysa TurKeurst

As our Pastor often says, 'If that doesn't light your fire, your woods wet!'  Oh how convicted I am that as my lists are always a mile long how much of my list is really God driven and God ordained?  My heart yearns to walk where He leads but the demands I have said yes to often times lead me astray. As each year passes with my children I'm learning that my influence is slowing fading.  My actions speak much louder than my words. Oh God help me! My lists won't help when my children see a frantic mother trying to accomplish the impossible.  They will just see a women that doesn't depend on the Lord. A women more concerned with the outer appearance than the inner.  One that sees the world as more important than a relationship.  A women that easily gets caught up in the day to day than the truly eternal.

Give me your eyes Lord! That I can see where your path is and not my own. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Time Stand Still

Last night we had meet the teacher for our Princess May and our Madi girl had her first pep rally as a Varsity Cheerleader.  Life flashed before my eyes like never before.  Time is fleeting and I just cant seem to get a handle on it all. Two sides of the school spectrum as we have a Kindergartener, a couple in between, and a Sophomore, who in a short couple months will have her drivers license.  How does this happen?  How can eight months pass of having a new addition to our family with Birthday parties and pre-k graduation, a million firsts, baseball tournaments, practices, running, cheer camp, a whole entire summer of fun, and now school is starting?  I'm baffled by time. Don't get me wrong, I am a mom in desperate need of a break from 4 plus kids running in and out and around at my home.  I do need sanity! I feel for the teachers that are overworked and underpaid that have to instill some kind of learning with all these hoodlums. But I am somewhat lost and heartbroken at the same time that all my children will be entering a new phase, a new year, a new adventure, a new chapter because the one before is now over.  The last chapter has been written and my chances to be the best mom in those hours are over.  How does this happen so quickly?

Some of us are called to be teachers, office mangers, bankers, medical staff members, and a hundred other occupations.  Fortunately, I have been privileged and blessed to by-pass those occupations and just stick with one calling God has on my life which is to be a mom. Mainly because I believe God knew I couldn't handle any more than that and my husband knew as well.  My head spins with just mommy responsibilities and adding anything else would probably put me in the loony bin. I envy those of you that can handle all of those things with class and grace and still take on more. You are amazing! For me, just the mommy title is enough.  It holds so much more than I can even offer and living up to that title will forever be my goal.

So for now, as I muster the strength to put on a happy face of losing time I sometimes have a love/hate relationship with, let's pray for each other.  Pray we can live up to the title that holds more value than all our bank accounts put together.  Let's pray that as we pass one another doing life we can encourage one another to keep going and pressing into the One that will sustain us.  Let's pray for God to move in our children's lives like never before, that He will be real and His love will weigh heavy on their hearts to cause them to move in action for Him.  Let's pray that as time is ever so fleeting we can teach our children that a relationship with the All Mighty is far more important than popularity, sports, or any other endeavor they may deem as important.  Let's Pray as our time is but a vapor but our calling is bigger than life itself that we can be the light God has designed for us to be.

"Train a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6 ASV)

Now, to get ready for homework and homemade lunches, drop off and pick up lines, sight words and reading books, crockpot meals, lots of football games, 5:45 AM practices, cross country meets, baseball tournaments, and cheer competitions....may the force be with me, may it be with you!!

Is it summer yet? ;-)