Last week was the first official week of summer for us and I actually took my first day of summer yesterday. Funny how that works. Ha! The boys had baseball camp all week and their last tournament for the season last weekend. Madison had cheer practice every day and left for cheer camp last Friday. We packed our bags and took off Saturday for the baseball tournament with a boat in tow. I'm not sure how the boat fit in but we dropped it off at Lake Fork on our way, if you call that on the way. Ha! A few hours after Madi had left on Friday we realized we had forgotten to give her spending money for camp so we also had to swing by SMU to give her some money, which was totally not on our way either. Finally we arrived in Allen for baseball. We played a couple winning games and retreated to our hotel. The next day was another whirlwind of playing ball and back to SMU to watch Madi try out for All American cheerleader and final evaluations the next day. And can I just add that along the way and through it all my children were NOT angels, bad attitudes, fighting, ungratefulness. Now if all that doesn't make you gargle for air then you must be one of those powerful, strong, never lonely, have it all together people, and I'm jealous.
When I finally had a moment to think straight my heart was heavy and I was feeling very alone and defeated. A phone call to my dad to wish him a happy fathers day helped put things in perspective. He reminded me that Satan comes to STEAL our joy. He reminded me that happiness is only from our happenings but that God's joy is a constant. We can choose to be filled with that joy or we can choose to let Satan steal it. While I was trying to bless his day, he blessed mine.
Life will never be always like we want it. It will be lonely, hard, tiresome, an up hill battle, disappointing, and heartbreaking. It will take from us things we never thought we could live without. And it will prove it's power by our response. God never said walking this journey would be easy nor will it always be enjoyable but He did say that living for Him and choosing His joy is
I look back over this last week and I see many ups and many downs. Many good happenings but also many not so enjoyable ones. I pondered on the conversation with my dad and was able to get even more good advise from my mom. Oh how thankful I am for their Godly wisdom and perspective.
Learning to let go and watch your kids mess up and letting them figure it out is probably one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. Learning to know when to step in and correct them and rebuke them is also another lesson I am learning. Learning to be consistent in my discipline yet giving them room to live is one more to add to my lists of learning's. And yet remaining in the joy
of the Lord through it all is also one more mark of learning!! What a challenge and what a goal!
I wish I had some fairy tale ending to tell you or some incredibly funny story but all I can say is even on the worst days the Lord is faithful to bring joy. We had a "family meeting" a few nights ago and brought some perspective back to the table. You know what I'm talking about???...those times you as a parent have let things slip and you have to reel everyone back in to get on the same page. That's the kind of family meeting we had. My kids whined about it at first, of course. "What? Why do we always have to have family meetings?" But those "family meetings" have been some of the most treasured times for me; praying together, laughing together, playing games together and even crying together. The Lord has those moments with us as well. My mom was so gracious to help me to see that. The Lord graciously brings us to the table, sees us where we are and loves us through discipline and correction and still brings joy!
Nehemiah 8:10b "This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."
There are days I wonder if I will survive parent hood! And then God sends me the sweetest love note through a conversation with someone. Yesterday, I had one of the best compliments about our family from a family that I would describe as my Godly hero's! I have to say that makes my heart swell and gives me hope!! It's just the encouragement you need to keep on keeping on! Though we are FAR from perfect, me especially, being a mom is exactly what God has called me to be!
Encouraging you today on your journey, to remain in His joy for it is your strength no matter what life brings to the table!!
There are days I wonder if I will survive parent hood! And then God sends me the sweetest love note through a conversation with someone. Yesterday, I had one of the best compliments about our family from a family that I would describe as my Godly hero's! I have to say that makes my heart swell and gives me hope!! It's just the encouragement you need to keep on keeping on! Though we are FAR from perfect, me especially, being a mom is exactly what God has called me to be!
Encouraging you today on your journey, to remain in His joy for it is your strength no matter what life brings to the table!!