Monday, April 11, 2011

Be Changed!

I have been doing a study over Jonah for a while now.  And God has been speaking to me about the changes that need to be made in my life.  I don't like change!!! I don't want to change!! I like things just like they are!! Have you been there??? Can I get an AMEN??  The only change I like is the jingle jangle in your pockets or on top of your dresser or the bottom of your purse!! Or the change of weathering seasons because I am usually tired of the one I am in!!  This changing habits or lifestyles or spiritual levels of growth.....uggghhh!!!  Its for the birds!!  Enough already God, it's hard!!

Jonah heard from God and he took off in the opposite direction.  He knew that his mission was to go to Ninevah but he didn't want to battle opposition.  When I first went through a few of the weeks of my study, my initial response was "oh I don't do that, I listen and obey God." (patting myself on the back....woe is me!)  Well did you know that delayed obedience is disobedience?!?!  I will say it again...delayed obedience is disobedience!!  The more I have read about Jonah I have understood myself to be so very much like him.  Pretty scary thought when you think of the drastic measures God allowed to get Jonah's attention.  He traveled endlessly to escape his calling, he endured a huge storm, he was thrown off a ship, eaten by a whale, lived inside of a whale for three days (can u imagine how nasty that would be, the stintch?? Eww!), and then was spit up on the shore.  And after all that, now he decides to obey and I am sure the smell of sour fish remained his aroma while walking the streets of Ninevah proclaiming Gods message to them.  A little humble pie is all I can say to that!  How long do we wait until we say yes to The Lord?  Do we wait until consequences from our delay have already arrived?  And is the aroma of our hearts pleasing to God or any others at that point?

Evaluating my own life God has revealed a few Ninevites that I have been extremely leery of sharing Christ with.  Just like Jonah my thoughts have been, why should I share with people who are so mean?  Why should I be the one to spread your news to them Lord?  They will only reject me Lord, why me?  Ask someone else, because I don't want to do it!  Again, like Jonah I have gone the other way, running from the change that needs to happen in my life and in my heart!!

I have been sitting on this word from the Lord inch by inch giving way to His will.   Noticing that inch by inch isn't IMMEDIATE obedience!  It definitely became even more evident a few days ago when I saw my daughter struggling with just the same issues.  Not standing for the Lord immediately when He calls and instead running the opposite direction.  My heart broke as I realized the example I have set for her is now becoming her sinful response to the Lord! Oh God forgive me!!

I believe we fail to realize accepting God's call for change in our lives is not something that affects only us.  Like Jonah, his decisions affected ALL those around him.  To the point that those around him wanted him gone.  The poor men in the boat had to endure a terrifying storm all because Jonah was not ready to change his heart.  These men didn't even know God but they knew Jonah had been disobedient to his God and that scared the heeby geebies out of them.  So overboard he went.  The whale I am sure had an upset stomach with a man "LIVING"  inside him that wouldn't die and be digested!  The sleeplessness, the tossing and turning that whale must have done to settle the pain of a parasite not cooperating.  Last but not least, the lost people of Ninevah were wandering blindly with out the Lord because Jonah did not want to love them as Christ loved them, despite their evil doings.  My decisions to not act immediately have also affected those around me.  My daughter has obviously been watching and following in my footsteps.  Whoa!!  We need to take heart to what God is calling us to do, lest we cause another to stumble!!  (1Cor. 10:32 "Do not cause anyone to stumble")

Change is hard!!  But obedience is better!!  What is it that God is calling you to change in your life today?  Is it that He is calling you to love the unlovables around you?  Is he asking you to trust Him instead of yourself?  Is he asking you to change occupations?  Is he calling you over seas to missions?  Is he calling you to lead a small group Bible study or be a Sunday School teacher?  Is He calling you next door to share Him with that neighbor that really gets on your nerves??  Is He calling you to walk with Him daily?  What is He asking you to do today?  Let me say, if you don't hear Him asking you to change something or do something BE CONCERNED!  If you are still breathing you have a calling and a purpose and should be changing.  Being stagnate is trouble in the making!  And the odor will come!!  God loves us just the way we are but doesn't want us to stay that way!!  He wants our aroma to be sweet to all those we come in contact with.

Encouraging you today to find the changes that need to be made and make them!!  Go where He is calling!!  If He calls, He will equip!!  BE CHANGED!! (and not into the jingle jangle kind!  Lol!!)  Change is good; are you ready for it?  

Encouraging you,
Kim Bobo

1 comment:

  1. I DONT LIKE CHANGE! I LIKE FAMILIAR THINGS, CONSISTENT THINGS AND SAFE THINGS! I LIKE MY SAFE ZONE......famous LAST words! Lord, thank You for pushing us out of our comfort zone! May we be BOLD for YOU! Thanks Kim for your honest heartfelt message! And BTW, I'm more of a plastic girl-no jingle jangle....ha!
