Word from the book Radical....."We are, by nature, recievers. Even if we have a desire to learn God's Word, we still listen from a default self-centered mind-set that is always asking, What can I get out of this? But as we have seen, this is unbiblical Christianity. What if we changed the question whenever we gathered to learn God's Word? What if we began to think, How can I listen to his Word so that I am equipped to teach his Word to others?"
Praying today that we would not be selfish, but that we will study and pray as to be ready for the opportunity to share with others His love and mercy!
Hi Kim, I love your blog. I definitely believe that an authentic sign of spiritual maturity is when we learn to make personal sacrifices everyday so that other people experience the love of God. I believe that is what Jesus was talking about in John 15 when he told the disciples to "bear fruit." I belive we bear fruit everytime we love others by making some kind of personal sacrifice. I think that can be as simple as picking up a piece of paper someone dropped to -not biting someone's head off when they really deserve it -all the way to giving away our..selves, money, possessions, time, etc. It's a process but, Jesus said when we do that we experience complete joy and answered prayer. I just don't think we teach this concept often enough. Anyway, in 2002 I made this personal revelation and since that time, I have been trying to make sure that I love sacrificially every day. Of course, I don't do that as much as I should- but when I do, it is really amazing!! I need to read Radical, I've heard it is really good. Take care! Pam